A full list of publications is available here.
Saar KL, Peter QAE, Müller T, Challa PK, Herling TW, Knowles TPJ (2019). Rapid two-dimensional characterisation of proteins in solution. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 5(1), 1-10.
Matos MH, Navo CD, Hakala T, Ferhati X, Guerreiro A, Hartmann D, Bernardim B, Saar KL, Compañón I, Corzana F, Knowles TPJ, Jiménez‐Osés G, Bernardes GJL (2019). Quaternization of Vinyl/Alkynyl Pyridine Enables Ultrafast Cysteine‐Selective Protein Modification and Charge Modulation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 58(20), 6640-6644.
Wright MA, Ruggeri FS, Saar KL, Challa PK, Benesch JLP, Knowles TPJ (2019). Analysis of αB-crystallin polydispersity in solution through native microfluidic electrophoresis. Analyst, 144(14), 4413-4424.
Arter WE, Charmet J, Kong J, Saar KL, Herling TW, Müller T, Keyser UF, Knowles TPJ (2018). Combined physical and chemical selection for enhanced specificity in protein sensing. Analytical Chemistry, 90(17), 10302-10310.
Saar KL, Müller T, Charmet J, Challa PK, Knowles TPJ (2018). Enhancing the resolution of free flow electrophoresis by spatially controlled sample collection. Analytical Chemistry, 90(15), 8998-9005.
Herling TW*, Levin A*, Saar KL*, Dobson CM, Knowles TPJ (2018). Microfluidic approaches for probing amyloid assembly and behaviour. Lab on a Chip, 18(7), 999-1016.
Zhang Y, Yates EV, Hong L, Saar KL, Meisl G, Dobson CM, Knowles TPJ (2018). On-chip measurements of protein unfolding from direct observations of micron-scale diffusion. Chemical Science, 9(14), 3503-3507.
Challa PK, Peter QAE, Wright MA, Zhang Y, Saar KL, Carozza JA, Benesch JLP, Knowles TPJ (2018). Real-Time Intrinsic Fluorescence Visualization and Sizing of Proteins and Protein Complexes in Microfluidic Devices. Analytical Chemistry, 90(6), 3849-3855.
Saar KL, Bombelli P, Lea-Smith DJ, Call T, Aro EM, Müller T, Howe CJ, Knowles TPJ (2018). Enhancing power density of biophotovoltaics by decoupling storage and power delivery. Nature Energy, 3(1), 75.
Work received extensive media coverage (The Independent, Phys.org, EurekAlert!, AlphaGalileo etc.)
Perni M, Challa PK, Kirkegaard JB, Limbocker R, Koopman M, Hardenberg MC, Sormanni P, Müller T, Saar KL, Roode LWY, Habchi J, Vecchi G, Fernando NW, Casford S, Nollen EA, Vendruscolo M, Dobson CM, Knowles TPJ (2018). Massively parallel C. elegans tracking provides multi-dimensional fingerprints for phenotypic discovery. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 306, 57-67.
Saar KL*, Zhang Y*, Müller T, Challa PK, Devenish S, Lynn A, Lapinska U, Yang, X, Linse S, Knowles TPJ (2018). On-chip label-free protein analysis with downstream electrodes for direct removal of electrolysis products. Lab on a Chip, 18(1), 162-170.
Lapinska U, Saar KL, Yates EV, Herling TW, Müller T, Challa PK, Dobson CM, Knowles TPJ (2017). Gradient-free determination of isoelectric points of proteins on chip. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(34), 23060-23067.
Kong L, Saar KL, Jacquat R, Hong L, Levin A, Gang H, Ye R, Mu B, Knowles TPJ (2017). Mechanism of biosurfactant adsorption to oil/water interfaces from millisecond scale tensiometry measurements. Interface focus, 7(6), 20170013.
Saar KL, Yates EV, Müller T, Saunier S, Dobson CM, Knowles TPJ (2016). Automated ex situ assays of amyloid formation on a microfluidic platform. Biophysical Journal, 110(3), 555-560.
Michaels TCT, Dear AJ, Kirekgaard JB, Saar KL, Weitz DA, Knowles TPJ (2016). Fluctuations in the Kinetics of Linear Protein Self-Assembly. Physical Review Letters, 116(25), 258103.
Saar KL (2012). Why does the Higgs boson matter? (Review article). Akadeemia, 11, 1923-36.
PC930623GB. Digital protein detection and quantification. Filed (2020).
GB1913953.4. Multidimensional Microfluidic Protein Characterisation. Filed (2019).
GB1819033.0. Particle Characterization Using Optical Microscopy. Filed (2018) and licenced (2019).
GB1819029.8. Optical microscopy. Filed (2018) and licenced (2019).
GB1820870.2. Detection of components. Filed (2018).
GB1815360.1. Improvements in or relating to profiling of particles using microfluidic devices. Filed (2018) and licenced (2018).
GB1720627.7. Fluidic Apparatus and Methods. Filed (2017) and licensed (2018).